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Posts with Business Strategy Game Quiz 1 or Quiz 2 advice.

New Glo-Bus Simulation Game Quiz 2 Answers

New Glo-Bus  Simulation Game Quiz 2 Answers

In anticipation of this coming Fall, I am happy to say that I have very recently rewritten my Glo-Bus guide for New Glo-Bus Cameras and Drones.

I am also planning to film a few new videos of New Glo-Bus.

One of the hardest parts of playing New Glo-Bus is doing New GB Quiz 2.


I have shown here an example question.


Which one of the following actions helps boost a company’s image rating/brand reputation?
1) Charging camera retailers an average wholesale price that is typically 10% or more below
the highest price being charged in the region
2) Making it standard practice for the company to offer all buyers of its camera and drones a
full 1-year warranty

3) Using environmentally friendly camera components and recycled materials for manuals and
packaging for the company’s action cameras
4) Paying camera/drone PAT members attractively high total annual compensation packages,
thereby enabling them to enjoy a standard of living well above the Taiwan average

5) Increasing the P/Q rating of the company’s UAV drones



1) Charging more for cameras will not increase image rating or make friends.

2) While helpful to clients, a full year warranty will not necessarily increase image rating or brand reputation.

3) Very helpful, this will in fact boost image rating, but not necessarily brand reputation.

4) Paying employees high wages will not increase image rating or brand reputation.

5) However, increasing P/Q Rating of Drones will in fact increase your brand reputation and your company’s image rating.


For more help with Glo-Bus Quiz 2, please email me at the Contact me now button.

Grand Champion of Glo-Bus

P.S. Need a grand overview of Glo-Bus, or looking to find something specific related to the game? Visit our “Start Here” page.

New Glo-Bus Simulation Game Quiz 1 Answers

New Glo-Bus  Simulation Game Quiz 1 Answers

As of 2017, a new version of Glo-Bus has been released. It is called “New Glo-Bus Cameras and Drones”. However, it is very similar to the prior version of Glo-Bus which is currently being run concurrently.

To help have a review of what this game is about. I have attached a question from New Glo-Bus Quiz 1.


The Global Community Bank, under terms of its long-term banking agreement with the company ,has agreed to lend the company additional monies should you elect to use debt to help finance growth and other financial needs; the interest rate the GCB will charge on such loans is determined is tied to the payback period (1-year ,5-years,10-years) and to

  1. How many consecutive years the company has been profitable and its interest coverage ratio
  2. The company`s net profit margin
  3. The company`s debt-assets ratio and gross profit margin
  4. The company`s balance sheet strength
  5. The company`s credit rating and the going rates of interest in world financial markets

Let’s review these answers.

1 The consecutive years is important, and so is the interest coverage ratio. So therefore, this answer is actually rather right, however it doesn’t quite nail it.

2 The company’s net profit margin for the year does have impact, however isn’t as all encompassing to judge the interest rate.

3) The debt to assets ratio is pertinent, but the gross profit less so. And still it’s not all encompassing.

4) This statement is really quite vague.

5) The company’s credit rating is the all encompassing feature that we are looking for along with the going rates of the worlds financial markets.

Answer 5 is correct!


For more information on New Glo-Bus Quiz 1 or how to succeed in New Glo-Bus, feel free to contact me.

Dave Mar~

GrandMaster of WinBSGOnline

P.S. Need a grand overview of Glo-Bus, or looking to find something specific related to the game? Visit our “Start Here” page.

BSG Chapter Quizzes and BSG Exam 1 and 2

Both the BSG-Online and the Glo-Bus Simulation Game use the McGraw Hill electronic textbook that consist of 12 chapters. For some students whose class utilizes the in-game textbook, will also need to write the 20 question BSG Chapter Quiz or perhaps the BSG Exam 1 or 2 that cover a variety of questions.

The questions are challenging in nature, and require good knowledge of the textbook content to do well. For those who are interested in my specialized Study Aid for any one of the Chapter Quizzes or the BSG Exams, please email me.

If you need help with the game itself, we have a full guide that will help give you an edge and you can learn more about that here.

Glo-Bus Quiz 2 Formulas

Last Update January 30th, 2019

Glo-Bus Quiz 2 is a lot harder than Glo-Bus Quiz 1, and it’s not uncommon for students to fail this quiz or get really low marks. The game uses its own defining terms for some of it’s references, which even confused me at times. I plan to expand this page in time, but I wanted to have something up so people know have an idea of where this is going.

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Glo-Bus Quiz 1 Study Guide

Last Update January 30th, 2019

I’d say that Glo-Bus Quiz 1 focuses on general facts regarding the game and operational rules. I recommend being familiar with all the of the screens throughout the game and it’s associated help pages.

The Status of your Camera Company at Year 6:

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