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Win Glo-Bus Simulation: Start Here

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Last Update January 30th, 2019

Thanks for visiting my Win Glo-Bus Simulation Game Blog. I wrote a premium Glo-Bus guide explaining all my strategies and theories on how to win the Glo-Bus game. My guide covers all the Glo-Bus concepts, strategies, tips, and maneuvers needed to win the Mc-Graw Hill Glo-Bus Game. I stand by my guide’s success rate, that you will read my guide be greatly enlightened on the mysteries of the Glo-Bus Simulation. As a teaser to my Glo-Bus guide, I also offer a free Glo-Bus Tips guide which alludes to greater concepts mentioned in my premium guide. I hope my guides help you on your quest to be victorious at the Glo-Bus game. My website also offers notes on the Glo-Bus Quizzes, which you will find useful and you may also want to email me if you want further help.  If you need help learning the software of analyzing your reports, email me and I’ll get back to you with a response to your game.

I’m still working on the site and moving slowly. I work part time, and do my MBA to boot. I’ve designed a lot of special Glo-Bus content  looking over many games, if you need something specific, please e-mail me.

Start Here:


Game Introduction

  • Simulation Intro Part 1 — Camera Company Year 6 Stats
  • Simulation Intro Part 2 — What gets you the marks?
  • Year 6 & 7 — Initial strategies
  • 3 Year Strategic Plans
  • Glo-Bus Cameras and Drones

Glo-Bus Free Tips Guide

Glo-Bus Quiz 1

Glo-Bus Quiz 2

YouTube Decision Entry Screen Walk Through

  • Product Design
  • Marketing
  • Entry-Level Assembly
  • Multi-Featured Assembly
  • Compensation
  • Corporate Citizenship
  • Finance

 Understanding Simulation Reports

  • Global Statistical Review
  • Competitive Intelligence Report
  • Company Operating Reports

Case Studies


Best Strategy Invitational

As always, if you have any questions on the Business Strategy Game Guide, please feel free to contact me.

by Dave Mar

David Mar is the one-student army behind Win the BSG Online. He's 25 years old, working on his MBA and representing California. He has been playing strategy games competitively for 8 years and placed numerous times in the Global Top 100 of the Business Strategy Game or BSG-Online.

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