I’ve always appreciated all of the support for the business strategy game guide I created a few years ago. As I’ve moved over to the new website, I want to include some of the testimonials from the old one. Here are some of the best ones from teams who bought the tips guide or I personally coached:
“Thanks for getting us into the BSI Invitational. We ended up ranking 2nd in the world in our category for ROE and 32nd in the world for stock price. Feel free to add me to the testimonials section of your site (without the name of course) or give students my e-mail address if they want a reference.”
Student, California State University Channel Island (see the top 100 for details)
“Dave, I really appreciated all of the help. We ended up taking first place by the hair on our chin with an EPS of $10.90, an ROE of 19% and an Image rating of 92. Our Credit rating only went to a B+. Enjoy the beer money : )”
Student, Lynchburg College
“Hydro Shoes ended up taking first in our industry and getting 100% on both quizzes. Thanks for the year 16 help, we really messed up.”
Student, UC Berkley
“I’m sorry for all of the e-mail harassment. Thanks for the last minute help we ended up going with your original plan and barely taking first. The teacher said it was the largest comeback he has ever seen in the seven years he has used the game”
Student, Celmson University
“Thanks for posting the study guides for the quiz. Our whole class bombed them and our teacher ended up using our grades as extra credit.”
Student, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
“We could haven’t come back if it wasn’t for your help and the guide. We were really screwed and the help the teacher was giving us was honestly making things worse. You were right we were thinking of things in too much of real life terms. We need to take a step back and approach the game a lot more like we were playing chess. Thanks again. It really meant a lot.”
Student, California Lutheran University
If you want any more testimonials or want me to provide references, please feel free to contact me on my contact page or look at our twitter account. We have numerous examples of students we have interacted with in the past on that page.